Q&A - all questions and answers

Yes, you can upload a file with both axes base and datas.

However, you have to set up first :

  • Respect the following Excel columns :

  • Upload a CSV Excel file, with the separator ; :

Yes, this online tool is totaly free; don't hesitate to share and send your charts to hear about the tool !
If your graph isn't confidential, you can make it public for the community. It would be then visible and accessible on the Net. Some people could copy them.
But, you would stay the owner of the main graph.
From the tab 'Charts' from the 'Create a chart' tab, you'll find different solutions to share your new graph :

You can print or copy a graph at any time :

You can make your own charts in your personal share-a-graph area, and then integrate them into your blog.
When modifying your graph, it will be instantly updated into your blog !

[Technical explanation : They're vectorial charts, only the datas are stored and play online with javascript, unlike traditional bitmap charts.]
1°/ You realize your chart, using Creation builder or when copying a public graph that inspires you.
2°/ You save it into your personal area when connected. You can find then a web link to insert into your blog, see the Q&A.
>> See an example of a chart into a blog.

For more informations about your graphs' export, go to the tab 'Charts' of the menu 'Create a chart' where you can find how to link your graphs into your blog.
Go to 'Your Dashboard'. Connect to your account then go to the menu 'Suppress your account'.